Summer Milky Way

mouse over for annotated version - click for full resolution

Wide field from Puglia, southern Italy, at sea level! 90 frames unplanned, unguided.
Unbelievable... I could see the milky way from the shore, so I plugged the remote and placed the camera on a brick. Unfortunately, some mist were present near the horizont... and during the process it popped-up so bright...
This is anyway a postcard to remember me how polluted are our skies.

Optic Canon 135 f/5.6
Camera EOS 600D Baader
Frame center
RA 17:40:17 DEC -26:08:15 J2000
6th August 2013
Punta Prosciutto, Puglia, Italy
Exposures 90x20s ISO800

Integration time - 30m


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