Hi, my name is Jeff,
I live in Italy near Milan, I've an electronic background but I'm also
interested in software. I worked in 'mechanics' for 14 years on CNC
machines and although I left that job in 2002, I'm still welcome in the
workshop when I need to machine some parts for my hobby. Since 2002 I
work in R&D department as electronic designer for an elevator
company. I bought my first scope in '96 for visual, a short Newt 114/900, that I changed for an 8" SC in few months because of its limits. For some years I took pictures with a custom camera based on KAF0401, then I bought a DSLR and the corrected field of the LX10 became too small. Two years ago I bought an 80ED with corrector, which I think is a very good scope compared to its price, and recently I sold the SC8" and bought a Newt 200mm f/4 that I still need to master, but next year the stars will still be there. As you can see from the map I live in a very polluted area, so I usually move 150Km far from home on the Alps, where typical SQM is more than 21. |
Although the job 'eats' a lot of time and the family deserves most of the remaining, I still have few hours to spend in my hobby:
taking pictures of the heaven's beauties. A special thanks to my wife, daughter and friends. Jeff |