Witch Head nebula

mouse over for annotated version - click for full resolution

IC2118 it's a reflection nebula in Eridanus also known as NGC1909. It glows by light reflected from Rigel, a blue giant in Orion constellation.
The estimated distance is 685 l.y. and it's the part of the nebular complex of Orion facing us.
In the annotated version there are about 80 galaxies in the background, listed in the catalogs NGC and PGC.
RGB data kindly provided by Davide Coverta.

Optic FSQ106 f/5
Camera SBIG 11000
Filters Baader L, R, G, B 36mm
Mount Paramount PME
On board
Frame center
RA 05:03:55 DEC -07:45:34 J2000
30th November 2014
Mayhill, NM, USA
Exposures L - 12 panels from DSS
R - 6x300s
G - 6x300s
B - 6x300s

Integration time - RGB 1h 30m

DSS framing planned with Mosaic Maker


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