NGC5033 group

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NGC 5033 is an inclined spiral galaxy located in the constellation Canes Venatici. Distance estimates vary from between 38 and 60 million light years from the Milky Way.
NGC 5033 and the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 5005 comprise a physical galaxy pair. The two galaxies weakly influence each other gravitationally, but they are not yet close enough to each other to be distorted by the tidal forces of the gravitational interaction.
NGC 5002 is a spiral galaxy estimated to lay 40 million light years away, while NGC5014 is estimated to be 63 million light years from us.[Wiki]

Optic SW Quattro 8S 200mm f/4 with Baader MPCC Mark III corrector
Camera Atik 383L+
Filters Baader L, R, B 36mm
Mount NEQ6 with EQASCOM
SW 70/500 with AlCCD5
Frame center
RA 13:12:20 DEC 36:42:46 J2000
1, 2, 3 April
Astrobioparco di Felizzano, AL, Italy
Exposures L - 36x600 @-10C bin 1x1
R - 36x300 bin 2x2
B - 36x300 bin 2x2
G - synthetic channel

Integration time - 12h



