Hercules cluster

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Messier 13 or M13, also designated NGC 6205 and sometimes called the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules or the Hercules Globular Cluster, is a globular cluster of several hundred thousand stars 22000 ly away from us in the constellation of Hercules. M13 was discovered by Edmond Halley in 1714, and cataloged by Charles Messier on June 1, 1764 into his list of objects not to mistake for comets; Messier's list, including Messier 13, eventually became known as the Messier Catalog. [Wiki]

Optic SW Quattro 8S 200mm f/4 with Baader MPCC Mark III corrector
Camera Atik 383L+
Filters Baader R, G, B 36mm, IDAS LPS-P2
Mount NEQ6 with EQASCOM
SW 70/500 with AlCCD5
Frame center
RA 16:41:40 DEC 36:27:47 J2000
22 May 2020
Astrobioparco di Felizzano, AL, Italy
Exposures RGB - 30x120s @-10C bin 1x1 each

Integration time - 3h



