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Sh2-279 (alternatively designated S279 or Sharpless 279) is an HII region and bright nebulae that includes a reflection nebula located in the constellation Orion. It is the northernmost part of the asterism known as Orion's Sword, lying 0.6° north of the Orion Nebula. The reflection nebula embedded in Sh2-279 is popularly known as the Running Man Nebula.
The whole reflection nebula region is likely excited by the hot young star (YSO) called c Orionis, 42 Orionis or HD 37018 in NGC 1977, which appears as a 4.6 magnitude star some 3.8' from the centre of Sh2-279.

Raw data from Davide Coverta

Optic RC8 f/6
Camera QSI 683 WS
Filters Astrodon L, R, G, B
Mount NEQ6 with EQASCOM
OAG with Lodestar
Frame center
RA 05:35:34 DEC -04:52:39 J2000
21st January 2018
Astrobioparco di Felizzano, AL, Italy
Exposures L - 33x900s bin 1x1@-15°C
RGB - 6x600s bin 1x1 each

Integration time - 12h 45m



