Sunflower Galaxy

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NGC 5055, also known as M63 or the seldom-used Sunflower Galaxy, is a spiral galaxy in the northern constellation of Canes Venatici with approximately 400 billion stars.It was first discovered by the French astronomer Pierre Méchain, then later verified by his colleague Charles Messier on June 14, 1779. The galaxy became listed as object 63 in the Messier Catalogue. In the mid-19th century, Anglo-Irish astronomer Lord Rosse identified spiral structures within the galaxy, making this one of the first galaxies in which such structure was identified. [Wiki]

Optic SW Quattro 8S 200mm f/4 with Baader MPCC Mark III corrector
Camera Atik 383L+
Filters Baader L, R, G, B 36mm
Mount NEQ6 with EQASCOM
SW 70/500 with AlCCD5
Frame center
RA 13:15:50 DEC 42:01:37 J2000
April 2022
Astrobioparco di Felizzano, AL, Italy
Exposures L - 36x600 bin 1x1
R - 30x120s bin 2x2
G - 30x120s bin 2x2
B - 30x120s bin 2x2

Integration time - 9h



