IC1318 - SHO

mouse over for annotated version - click for full resolution

IC1318 is a wide diffuse nebulae complex laying in the constellation of Cygnus.
It's part of the Great nebular complex of Cygnus, one of the most big and massive in our galaxy. [Wiki]

Image processed in Hubble palette:
SII assigned to R channel, Ha to G channel and OIII to B channel.

Raw data kindly provided by Davide Coverta

Optic Canon EF 200 f/2.8L II USM
Camera QSI 683 WS
Filters Astrodon 5nm Ha, SII, OIII
Mount NEQ6
TS APO 65Q with MZ5m
Frame center
RA 20:19:09 DEC 39:40:11 J2000
21st and 22nd August 2015
Tuscany Alps, Italy
Exposures Ha - 23x600s bin 1x1 -20°C
SII - 12x600s bin 1x1
OIII - 12x600s bin 1x1

Integration time - 7h 50m


